Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog post 3

One of the articles that I found interesting was Audre Lorde's "Age, Race, Class, and Sex; Woman Redefining Gender."  In this article she argues that when talking about gender, one must also include age, race, class, and sexual orientation.  One should not talk about these concepts independently because they are all related and dependent on each other.  The author describes a mythical norm, which in my opinion is every president in our countries history except our current one.  On the subject of our current president, in the advertisement we looked at in class he is portrayed as being different from the "mythical norm."  On one hand he is different from the mythical norm because he is black, but this advertisement capitalizes on the differences and ignores the similarities.  The ad showed the difference by referring to him as chocolate, and the white house (or in my opinion the US government) as vanilla.  This ad is showing him outside of the White-house which I take as meaning the person who created the cartoon sees him outside of the mythical norm.
In Maxine Baca Zinn's article "Theorizing Difference From Multicultural Feminism" she brings up an interesting point which I will connect to the youtube video we watched in class.  The author says that she "expresses irritation at those feminists' who only see the problem in difference without recognizing difference."  In the youtube video there are clear differences between the white group, the black group, and the Chinese group, but they don't see there differences as a problem.  Instead they realize the differences and use that to their advantage to teach each other the cultural symbols of the other groups.
In my opinion situated knowledge is impediment on seeing the world clearly.  The reason for this is that our perception of the world around us as shaped from the experiences that have occurred in our lives.  Because of this we see the world through our own socialized lenses and therefore we have a biased, subjective view.   

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