Sunday, November 22, 2009


CEO coach: a kind of coaches who are in junior level youth sports. They are always quiet, restrained, and contemplative with strong controlling of what happens on the field. They are like CEOs of companies in which they expect kids have internalized rules and embodied basic skills. The CEO coach emerges over the years as the hegemoic form of musculinity in the South Pasadena youth sports context. Example: In professor Messner's book, he found that the CEO coach is the dominant coaching style in South Pasadena youth sports; after one loss which was observed by Messner, the coach of the team did not bark or shout at the sloppy plays of the kids,but he just concluded the reason, and the coach was considered as a "CEO".

Opting out: the word comes from the book Opting out: why women really quit career and head home? by Pamela Stone. Opting out means that women choose to quit work and be housewife completely, the trend which is called "the third shift" by prof. Messner. One example is that in the book Opting out, the author found out that most women did not "opt out", which was contrast to the public view. Women who did that spoke of inflexibility of work and of husbands, and some husbands had high incomes that can afford their families.

Hope it is useful!

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